The library provides a wide variety of databases with access to medical
research and articles. If an article, book, or eBook is not available
through Community Memorial databases, please make an Interlibrary Loan
request by clicking Request an Article or Request Multiple Articles. If
you would like to suggest a journal or book for the library to acquire,
select Request a Journal or Book.
The Medical Librarian can also help with your literature search! For more
details, or to place a request with the librarian, select Literature Search Request.
Get in touch with the Medical Librarian

The Office of the Medical Librarian for Community Memorial Healthcare is
located in the physical medical library on the 7th floor of the Mountain
Tower. Mickel Paris is the Medical Librarian and has drop-in office hours
on most Mondays to Fridays from 10 am – Noon or 2 pm – 4 pm.
Appointments can be arranged outside office hours for in-person or Microsoft
Teams meetings. Community Memorial personnel can request an appointment
with the Medical Librarian by emailing the requested date and time to: