As a Community Memorial employee, you’ve seen firsthand the tremendous
difference donors make for our health system. That’s why we’re
inviting you to join our Employee Giving Program. Together,
we work hard to deliver the best healthcare possible for our community.
But keeping Community Memorial Healthcare on the forefront of medicine
takes more than just our collective dedication. It takes financial support
from generous donors — internally and externally — to maintain
our exceptional services and reputation.
Your gift to the Community Memorial Foundation of Ojai Valley Hospital Foundation is tax deductible. You can make a one-time gift or use payroll deduction. Click here to access our payroll deduction form. You can also write a check to Community Memorial Foundation or Ojai Valley Hospital Foundation or visit to make your gift online.
We use your gifts where they are needed most. These are some of the recent purchases fueled by philanthropy:
Ojai Valley Hospital Foundation Purchases
Community Memorial Foundation Purchases
Yes, you are free to make changes or stop your payroll deduction at any time.
To make changes to your enrollment, call us at 805-948-2881 or email
No, your payroll deduction will continue until you notify us to make a change.