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Samantha Wu, MD

  • NPI Number: 1043665441
  • Primary Specialty: General Surgery
  • Additional Specialty: daVinci
  • Languages Spoken: English
  • Gender: Female


Dr. Samantha Wu is a board-eligible general surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive surgery techniques (laparoscopic and robotic) in the treatment of a variety of disorders including: hernias, complex abdominal wall defects, gastroesophageal reflux, hiatal hernias, diseases of the esophagus and stomach, and gallbladder disorders. She is an expert in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy and is well trained in traditional approaches to surgery. She prescribes an individualized care plan and tailored surgical approach for all of her patients to minimize recovery time, maximize patient satisfaction, and optimize overall outcome.

Age Groups Seen

  • Adult 21-65
  • Older Adult >65
  • Medical School
  • University of Cincinnati