About This Location
Community Memorial Integrated Behavioral Health provides a variety of behavioral and mental health services to adults ages 18 and over. The practice consists of an established group of attending physicians, along with psychiatry residents who are part of the Community Memorial Healthcare medical residency program.
Services at this location also include programs facilitated by Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Licensed Marriage and Family therapists, and Behavioral Health Interventionists. Master level students in social work also provide mental health programming. Services at this location include
- Psychiatric care
- Counseling & psychological services
- Behavioral Health Integration
- Caregiver Navigation
- Justice-involved services
Providers in this practice include:
- Psychiatrists
- Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists
- Licensed Clinical Social Workers
- Behavioral Health Interventionists
Supportive Care Services
Supportive Care Services at Community Memorial Healthcare provide advice, support, and resources for patients and their caregivers. Offerings include palliative care, chronic care management, spiritual care, advance care planning, and a caregiver navigator program.
Additional Information
Telehealth Appointments
Telehealth appointments let you connect with your provider from the comfort of your home, using your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer with webcam. You will be able to see and hear your provider for a real-time, video-based interaction. Learn more about Telehealth.
Hablamos su Idioma
Translation and interpreting services are available, including Spanish, ASL, and other languages.
FollowMyHealth Patient Portal
For your convenience, Community Memorial Healthcare offers the FollowMyHealth Patient Portal. This service is a secure, convenient way to manage your health online. You can use the portal to schedule appointments, view test results, pay your bills, and much more! In addition, you will be able to see your health information from Community Memorial Hospital in Ventura and Ojai.
Availability of patient data and health records is dependent upon provider participation in FollowMyHealth. Please contact your healthcare provider to find out if they participate in FollowMyHealth. Patients who previously used Community Link are invited to enroll in FollowMyHealth by creating a new account.
Patient Forms

This location is recognized under the National Committee for Quality Assurance Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition Program. This program is built on evidence-based, nationally recognized clinical standards of care and assesses whether clinicians and practices support the delivery of high-quality care.

We accept Gold-Coast/Medi-Cal and most private and managed care insurance plans including Seaview and TRICARE/United Health Care.