About This Location
As a not-for-profit hospital, Community Memorial Hospital ‒ Ojai depends on the generosity of donors to help keep up with community needs and the rising cost of healthcare. Founded in 2005, Ojai Valley Hospital Foundation is a charitable organization that helps support our local nonprofit hospital and Continuing Care Center by:
- Raising funds for facility improvements, new medical technologies, and other resources to enhance services and patient care
- Educating the community about the programs, services and capabilities offered through the hospital and Continuing Care Center
- Keeping up with community needs by serving as a communications link between the people of the Ojai Valley and our local hospital
The Foundation is guided by a volunteer Board of Directors and our president, Stephen Frank.
Ways to Give
We welcome gifts from donors large and small. Some donors are motivated to give out of gratitude for the care they or a loved one received at the hospital. Others want to give where they live and see donating to the hospital as a great way to help the community. Still more want to leave a legacy that will live on through future generations. Every contribution makes a difference, and we welcome donations in a variety of forms ― from cash, checks and credit cards to personal property, real estate, gifts by will and beyond. Make a gift.