Yoga Helps Expectant Moms Prepare for Labor & Delivery
- Category: Health Tips, New Parent Resource Center
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If you’re expecting a baby and have never practiced yoga, now is a great time to start!
“Yoga is a low-impact way to get a little exercise, help develop stamina, and stay strong throughout your pregnancy,” said Sally McNally, a Certified Nurse Midwife in the Labor and Delivery Department at Community Memorial Hospital - Ventura, childbirth educator, and prenatal Yoga instructor.
According to McNally, prenatal yoga offers pregnant women numerous benefits. Yoga helps with balance which shifts constantly during pregnancy as the baby grows and fluids build up, throwing off the body’s center of gravity. Yoga also relieves tension, helps loosen tight hips, and can relieve back pain. “It also helps women bond with their babies because they think, I’m doing something good for myself, but also for my baby,” McNally says.
Prenatal yoga also helps prepare women for labor. “They are holding yoga poses, so they understand how they can hold a contraction,” continued McNally. “It also helps them with breaths and breathing. They work hard. They sweat a little bit so they get a realistic view of what labor is like.”
Prenatal yoga classes incorporates many common poses. In the classes offered through the Community Memorial New Parent Resource Center, women practice all the warrior poses, balance poses, triangle pose, tree pose, and poses to strengthen the arms and shoulders. They do exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, and they practice the active resting pose known as “downward dog.” There are no poses using a back-bend in order to avoid stretching the placenta. Such precautions serve as an important reminder that pregnant women should seek a professional yoga instructor who knows what to do to keep them safe while practicing during pregnancy.
“Expectant mothers can practice yoga safely all the way through their pregnancy and can modify any exercise or pose, plus use blocks if needed,” McNally said.

Practicing prenatal yoga in a supportive environment is good for the mind as well as the body.
Prenatal yoga is also good for the mind. “Many women have body image issues when pregnant,” McNally observed. “They receive warm and caring support by being around other expectant moms in prenatal yoga classes." In addition to yoga, the New Parent Resource Center also offers other classes and services for parents, families, and caregivers.
The prenatal yoga class is held Fridays from 10:00 – 11:15 am at the Community Memorial Wellness & Fitness Center, located at 2723 East Main Street in Ventura. The cost is $15 for one class. Pre-registration is required. Please call 805-948-BABY (2229) or email!