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Resident Responsibilities

For the comfort, health, and safety of everyone in our care, it’s important that all of our patients and residents are informed of their individual responsibilities, and are encouraged and empowered to meet these responsibilities. Residents and patients of the Continuing Care Center shall:

  1. Provide, to the best of their knowledge, accurate and complete information about current complaints, medical history, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to their health.
  2. Report unexpected changes in their condition to responsible practitioners including physicians and nurses.
  3. Make it known whether or not they clearly comprehend their Plan of Care and our staff members’ expectations of the resident.
  4. Follow their treatment plan. This treatment plan, or Plan of Care, is recommended by the practitioner primarily responsible for the resident’s care.
    1. Following the treatment plan includes following the instructions of our nurses and other health care professionals as they carry out the Plan of Care and implement the orders of the primary practitioner, or enforce the center’s applicable rules and regulations.
  5. Follow the center’s rules and regulations affecting resident care and conduct.
  6. Understand the consequences of refusing treatment or refusing to follow the primary practitioner’s instructions.
  7. Be considerate of the rights of other residents and center personnel; control behavior related to noise, number of visitors, etc.
  8. Be respectful of others, of the property, and of the organization.
  9. Assure that the financial obligations for the resident’s health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible.
  10. Be informed if the admission process indicated by signing acknowledgement of all rules and regulations governing resident responsibilities and conduct.

If the patient or resident’s physician determines that he or she is medically incapable of understanding and/or agreeing to these responsibilities, then the guardian, next of kin, or legally-authorized responsible party assumes responsibility on the resident’s behalf.

Upon admission, the resident or his/her authorized representative will be required to acknowledge that they have been informed of these responsibilities. Questions should be directed to the admitting nurse or a member of our social services team.